Leading manufacturer of capacitors in Russia

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Aluminum electrolytic

Aluminum electrolytic capacitor includes anode and cathode foils separated by capacitor paper, impregnated by capacitor electrolyte, which performs as a cathode.

Anode is an aluminum foil plate, the area of which after electrochemical etching by 50-300 times exceeds the area of the plain foil, and on which surface Al2O3 film is electrochemically formed. The oxide film thickness is directly proportional to the constant voltage, applied to the foil during oxide forming. Al2O3 performs as a dielectric in aluminum capacitors

Cathode is an aluminum foil plate, the capacitance of which by 3-10 times exceeds the anode capacitance.
Конденсатор К50-77 ОТК
Capacitors is used in power converters, frequency converter units, rectifiers etc. K50-77 type is a preferred capacitor for electric motor cars and among domestic aluminum electrolytic capacitors it has the highest value of electric power. The operating temperature range is -40°С … +85°С.
Конденсатор К50-85
Capacitors is a compacted, polar, fixed capacitor with axial wire leads. Its distinction lies in an extended range of working temperatures -60°С to +125°С; long operation period at high electric loads.
Конденсатор К50-77
K50-77 OTK
Capacitors is used in power converters, frequency converter units, rectifiers etc. K50-77 type is a preferred capacitor for electric motor cars and among domestic aluminum electrolytic capacitors it has the highest value of electric power. The operating temperature range is -40°С … +85°С.
Конденсатор К50-80
Capacitors is a low impedance screw capacitor. Its distinction lies in an extended range of working temperatures -60°С to +100°С. The type is designed for power electronic devices of different purpose.
Конденсатор К50-87
Capacitors is an axial lead capacitor with lengthwise case swage, increased service life and mechanical stability. Range of working temperatures is from -60°С to +125°С.
Конденсатор К50-81
Capacitors is a radial low impedance capacitor. Its distinction lies in an extended range of working temperatures -60°С to +100°С. The type is designed for power electronic devices of different purpose.
Конденсатор К50-83
Capacitors is a low impedance capacitor with radial wire leads. Design is compacted. The distinction is an extended range of working temperatures -60°С to +100°С.
Конденсатор К50-88
Are radial lead capacitors with lengthwise case swage, increased service life and mechanical stability. Range of working temperatures is from -60°С to +125°С
Конденсатор К50-89
Are radial lead capacitors with lengthwise case swage, increased service life and mechanical stability. Range of working temperatures is from -60°С to +125°С
Конденсатор алюминиевый К50-90
Are highly-reliable polar, radial screw capacitors. Operating time at UR and T=85°С is 1 000 hours; in light operation mode operating time is 100 000 hours.
Конденсатор К50-91
Are highly-reliable polar, radial screw capacitors. Operating time at UR and T=85°С is 1 000 hours; in light operation mode operating time is 100 000 hours.
конденсатор К50-15
Distinguishing feature is an extended operating temperature range from -60°С to +125°С. Quality testing, conducted by OJSC "Elecond", showed that at +125°С the guaranteed service life of K50-15 type was minimum 1 300 hours (1 000 hours according to specifications) and minimum 10 000 hours at +60°С.
конденсатор К50-17
Capacitors is suitable for operation in pulse circuits and can be applied in laser as well as medical and welding equipment. Pulse frequency - 1/10 Hz max. Pulse quantity - 100 000 min
Polar, sealed, non-isolated, fixed chip-capacitors.
Конденсатор К50-98
Polar, sealed, isolated radial leaded and snap-in capacitors. Capacitors are suitable for application in direct current, ripple current and pulse current circuits in secondary power supplies and converter equipment. Capacitors are available in all-climate and temperate/cold climate version.
Конденсатор К50-27
Capacitors is characterized by high rated voltage (400 and 450 V) and min 10 000 hours of operating life at +60°С; it is successfully used in converters, secondary power supplies, general purpose and special devices. K50-27 type is available in general purpose and special-purpose series.
Конденсатор К50-29
Polar fixed capacitors in non-isolated case are available in all-climate and temperate/cold climate version.
Конденсатор К50-93
Capacitors is a polar fixed capacitor. The capacitor type is produced for the internal wiring with the requirements to 98% air humidity at T=35°С and at T=25°С in direct current and ripple current circuits.
Конденсатор К50-37
Distinction lies in high charge, accumulated on the plates. Major application fields are medical equipment, cash registers, railway transport, power supplies, laser systems, welding equipment etc.
Small-sized polar fixed capacitors in insulated case with radial terminals. Capacitors are intended for operation in direct and pulse current circuits of secondary power supplies and converter equipment. The capacitor i available in boreal climate version.
Capacitors are intended for operation in direct and pulse current circuits of secondary power supplies and converter equipment. The capacitor is available in boreal climate version. Polar. Sealed. In an insulated case with radial snap-in terminals.
Конденсатор К50-68
Design in full meets the requirements of the customers. The type is mainly used in audio and video equipment, car industry etc.
Конденсатор К50-94
This is small snap-in aluminum electrolytic capacitor. Operating temperature range is from -60°С to +125°С. Capacitor K50-94 type can be used as import substitution to foreign high voltage small snap-in aluminum electrolytic capacitors.
Конденсатор К50-95
This is aluminum electrolytic surface mount chip-capacitors. Operating temperature range is from -60°С to +100 °С. Capacitor K50-95 type can be used as import substitution to foreign aluminum electrolytic surface mount chip-capacitors.
Конденсатор К50-84
Capacitors is a low impedance radial screw capacitor. Design is compacted. The distinction is an extended range of working temperatures -60°С to +100°С.
Конденсатор К50-86
Capacitors is a polar, radial screw capacitor with a compacted design in isolated case. Range of working temperatures is from -40°С to +85°С.
Polar fixed capacitors are intended for indoor installation with resistance requirements to high humidity of 98% at the temperature 25°С and 35°С. Sealed. In an insulated case with radial snap-in terminals.
Конденсатор алюминиевый К50-92
K50-92 OTK
Capacitors is an axial lead capacitor. Range of working temperatures is from -60°С to +100°С. Standard ratings scale is UR =6.3V…450V; CR=1µF…4 700 µF. K50-92 type can substitute capacitors K50-29, K50-20, K50-24, K50-27 types.
Конденсатор К50-100
Polar fixed capacitors are intended for indoor installation with resistance requirements to high humidity of 98% at the temperature 25°С and 35°С, for operation in direct and pulse current circuits of radio electronic equipment. Sealed. In insulated case with or without butt pin. Radial leaded with screw terminals.
Конденсатор алюминиевый К50-92
Capacitors is an axial lead capacitor. Range of working temperatures is from -60°С to +100°С. Standard ratings scale is UR =6.3V…450V; CR=1µF…4 700 µF. K50-92 type can substitute capacitors K50-29, K50-20, K50-24, K50-27 types.
Конденсатор К50-101
Polar fixed capacitors are intended for indoor installation with resistance requirements to high humidity of 98% at the temperature 35°С, for operation in direct and pulse current circuits of radio electronic equipment. Sealed. In bare case fixed on plastic dielectric platform.
Конденсатор К50-102
Polar fixed capacitors are intended for indoor installation with resistance requirements to high humidity of 98% at the temperature 35°С, for operation in direct and pulse current circuits of radio electronic equipment. Sealed. In insulated case with radial wire leads.
Конденсатор К50-103
Polar fixed capacitors are intended for indoor installation with resistance requirements to high humidity of 98% at the temperature 25°С and 35°С, for operation in direct  pulse current circuits of radio electronic equipment. Sealed. In insulated case with or without butt pin. Radial leaded with screw terminals.
Конденсатор К50-96
Miniature and compact aluminum electrolytic capacitors with operating temperature range from -60 to +105°C
Конденсатор К50-106
Polar fixed capacitors. Sealed. In insulated case with or without butt pin. Radial leaded with screw terminals.
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