Main parameters
Name | Value |
Rated voltage, V | 16 |
Rated capacitance, µF | 2 500 |
Capacitance tolerance (20 °C, 50 Hz), % | ±10; +20…0; +30…0 |
Temporary overvoltage within 10 sec., V | 1.15 UR |
Maximum operating temperature Tenv, °C | +85 |
Minimal operating temperature Tenv, °C | -60 |
Capasitor physical configuration

Capacitors reliability
Reliability Operation modes | Minimal nonfailure operating time, tλ, hours | Capacitor failure rate, λ, 1/hour, max |
Maximum-permissible mode (UR, Tenv=85 °С) | 10 000 | 5x10-5 |
Light mode (UR, Tenv=60 °С) | 50 000 | 2x10-6 |
Storageability Gamma-rated time of capacitor storageability Tcy at y=97.5%, years, min | 20 |
Capacitor electric parameters value when delivered
UR, V | CR, µF | Mass, g, max | tg δ, %, 25 °C, 50 Hz, max | ILEAK, µA, 25 °C, after 10 min., max | Z, Ohm, 25 °C, 10kHz, max | Capacitor charging time to UCHARGING=16 V, tCHARGING, мsec |
16 | 2 500 | 19.5 | 50 | 25 | 0.25 | 200 |