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Aluminum electrolytic capacitor

+7 (34147) 2-99-89
Конденсатор К50-91
AZHYAR.673541.019 TU
Are highly-reliable polar, radial screw capacitors. Polar sealed radial screw capacitor type in isolated and non-isolated case is used for operation in direct current and ripple current circuits, secondary power sources and converter equipment.

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Main parameters

Rated voltage, V250…450
Rated capacitance, µF470…15 000
Temporary overvoltage within 10 sec., V1.15 UR (UR=250)
1.1 UR (UR>250)
Capacitance tolerance (25 °C, 50 Hz), %+50…-20; ±20
Maximum operating temperature Tenv, °C+85
Minimal operating temperature Tenv, °C-40

Capasitor physical configuration

Variant A
(fastening with a clamp)
Isolated, non-isolated, with
moisture-resistant coatings
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Variant B
(with end pin)
Fig. 4
1 – Screw V.M5-6gx8.36.019 GOST 17473-80
2 – Washer 5.65G 019 GOST 6402-70
3 – Explosion proof valve
4 – Jumper for discharge
5 – Clamp
6 – Nut М12-6Н.04.016 GOST 2526-70
7 – Butt pin

Capacitors dimensions

D, mm35506576
H, mm80105506080801051107080120155170
A, mm12.52228.532

Overall and fitting dimensions of a capacitor clamp

1 – clamp
2 – screw BM4-6gx12.48.019 GOST 17473
3 – washer A4,0.01.08 kp.019 GOST 11371
4 – nut M4-6N.04.019 GOST 5916
DD*L*Mass, g, max

Capacitors reliability

Reliability Operation modesMinimal nonfailure operating time, tλ, hoursCapacitor failure rate, λ, 1/hour, max
Maximum-permissible mode (UR, Tenv=85 °С) for capacitors ø 35mm and capacitors ø 50mm, H = 50; 60mm 10 00010-5
Maximum-permissible mode (UR, Tenv=85 °С) for capacitors ø 50…76mm; H = 70…170mm15 00010-5
Light mode (0.5UR, Tenv=60 °С) for capacitors of all dimensions50 00010-6
Light mode (0.5UR, Tenv=50 °С) for capacitors of all dimensions100 00010-7
Gamma-rated time of capacitor storageability Tcy at y=99.5%, years, min

Dimension sizes and capacitor electric parameters value when delivered

UR, VCR, µFSize DxH, mmA, mmtg δ, %, 25°C, 50 Hz, maxILEAK, µA, 25°C, after 5 min., maxMass, g, maxZ*, Ohm, 25°C, maxIR, А, 85°C, 50 Hz, max
2501 00035x8012.5251 8401600.500.9
2501 00050x5022.0251 8401850.500.9
2501 50035x10512.5252 4301950.301.2
2501 50050x6022.0252 4302300.301.2
2502 20050x8022.0253 1703000.201.7
2503 30065x8028.5254 2004500.152.7
2504 70065x10528.5255 3606100.083.4
2506 80065x11028.5256 9307500.053.4
25010 00076.1x12032.0259 0701 0500.034.8
25015 00076.1x15532.02512 0301 1500.025.9
35068035x8012.5251 7801600.452.0
35068050х5022.0251 7801850.452.0
3501 00035x10512.5252 3201950.302.5
3501 00050х6022.0252 3202300.302.5
3501 50050x8022.0253 0703000.103.6
3502 20065x8028.5254 0004500.085.8
3503 30065x10528.5255 3006100.057.3
3504 70065x11028.5256 7807500.037.3
3506 80076.1x12032.0258 7601 0500.0310.3
35010 00076.1x15532.02511 4701 1500.0212.7
40068035х10512.5251 9501950.553.4
40068050х6022.0251 9502300.553.4
4001 00050x8022.0252 5403000.353.6
4001 50065x8028.5253 3704500.158.0
4002 20076.1x7032.0254 3906000.109.0
4003 30076.1x8032.0255 8106500.059.7
4004 70076.1x12032.0257 4401 0500.0413.2
4006 80076.1x15532.0259 6201 1500.0316.8
45047035х10512.5251 6401951.102.5
45047050х6022.0251 6402301.102.5
45068050x8022.0252 1203000.753.8
4501 00065x8028.5252 7604500.656.1
4501 50076.1x7032.0253 6506000.207.0
4502 20076.1x8032.0254 7606100.107.2
4502 20065х10528.5255 3006500.107.2
4503 30076.1x12032.0256 3101 0500.0810.8
4504 70076.1x15532.0258 0701 1500.0613.3
4506 80076.1x17032.02510 4401 2500.0414.0
* Capacitor impedance Z is measured at frequency 100 kHz for capacitors CR ≤ 1 000 µF, and at frequency 10 kHz for capacitors CR > 1 000 µF
Ripple current effective value
versus temperature and frequency can be found from the formula IRO = IR x KT x KF, where

IR– allowable ripple current at 85 °C, 50 Hz (See Table “Capacitor electric parameters”)

KT - IR correction factor versus temperature

Tenv, °C254050607085

KF - IR correction factor versus frequency

F, Hz501003006001 00010 000≥50 000

Example of reference designation for ordering

CAPACITOR K50-91 a – 450V – 1000µF (+50 -20)% (65×80) I B AZHYAR.673541.019 TU
CAPACITOR K50-91 b – 250V – 3300µF ±20% (50×80) I AZHYAR.673541.019 TU
CAPACITOR K50-91 a – 400V – 1500µF (+50 -20)% (65×80) AZHYAR.673541.019 TU
CAPACITOR K50-91 a – 400V – 470µF (+50 -20)% (35×105) B AZHYAR.673541.019 TU

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