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Tantalum wet-slug

Among capacitors with oxide dielectric (ionistors excluded) this capacitor series is known for the highest specific charge, high value of minimum operating time, low leakage current, wide range of working temperatures (from -60 °С up to +85 °С, +125 °С or +175 °С, depending on capacitor design and tantalum powder grade).

The capacitors are used in special-purpose and general-purpose devices, applied in rugged environment where stable electric characteristics are required.
Конденсатор К52-1
Is suitable for application in direct current and ripple current circuits. Capacitor K52-1 type is produced in all climate version and temperate/cold climate version.
Конденсатор К52-1М
Is suitable for application in direct current and ripple current circuits. Capacitor K52-1M type is produced in all climate version
Конденсатор К52-1Б
Is suitable for application in direct current and ripple current circuits. Capacitor K52-1B type is produced in all climate version and temperate/cold climate version.
Конденсатор К52-1БМ
Is suitable for application in direct current and ripple current circuits. Capacitor K52-1BM type is produced in all climate version.
Конденсатор К52-9
Is suitable for application in direct current, ripple current and pulse current circuits and produced in all climate version.
Конденсатор К52-11
Is a polar capacitor in isolated case. The capacitor is suitable for application in direct current, ripple current and pulse current circuits and produced in all climate version.
Конденсатор К52-17
Is a polar capacitor in isolated case. The capacitor is suitable for application in direct current and ripple current circuits and produced in all climate version.
Конденсатор К52-18
The type has a sealed, all tantalum case. Working temperature range is from -60 °С to +125 °С. Max. specific charge is 35 000 micro-coulomb per cubic centimeter. Reduced case sizes and mass allow using of these capacitors in aeronautic and space engineering.
Конденсатор К52-26
Polar SMD capasitors designed for operation in DC, pulse current circuits and in pulse mode. Capacitors are manufactured in all-climate version.
Конденсатор К52-27
Polar SMD capasitors designed for operation in DC, pulse current circuits and in pulse mode. Capacitors are manufactured in all-climate version.
Конденсатор К52-19
is notable for availability of high-voltage group (up to 200 V) and high capacity values. Use of these capacitors allows increasing energy supply, functionalities of spaceship brain units.
Polar, fixed capacitors sealed in tantalum cylindrically shaped case with radial leads. Capacitors are intended for operation in direct and pulse current circuits.
Конденсатор К52-20
Is a wet-slug capacitor in sealed, all tantalum case. Its distinction lies in an extended range of working temperature from -60 °С to +175 °С. Capacitors have rigid requirements for electric parameters changing when in operation.
Конденсатор К52-21
Can be used as storage elements in receive/transmit devices operated in charge/discharge mode as well as in other devices with strict requirements to operating conditions. Distinguishing features of this type are low ESR and low values of failure rate (λ) for 40 000 hours operating time during maximum permissible operation mode.
Конденсатор К52-24
Is polar sealed tantalum capacitor which is used as pulse power supply in single and short-term use equipment. Capacitors are suitable for interspecific applications. Capacitors are allowed to operate from 133 Pa to 2.92х105 Pa
Конденсатор К52-28
Hermetically-sealed polar capacitors in all tantalum case. Capacitors are suitable for application in direct current, ripple current and pulse current circuits. Capacitors are available in all-climate version.
Конденсатор К52-29
Polar, fixed capacitors sealed in tantalum cylindrically shaped case with radial leads. Capacitors are intended for operation in direct and pulse current circuits.
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